The AI Scraping Tool That Actually Works.

Seamlessly gather any public web data by harnessing the power of Nimble AI Browser for a seamless scraping experience.
An image that shows how Nimble's web scraper can help with different industries
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Product Feature

Collect web data with a simple REST API and zero infrastructure.

Product Feature
Robust Unblocking

Nimble Browser AI-unblocking and modern proxies built-in.

Product Feature
Automated Parsing

Accurate and responsive web data parsing with Nimble Skills.

Product Feature
Flexible Delivery

Have structured data delivered directly to your S3/GCs buckets

Stream Public Web Data from Any Source

Nimble’s Web API manages the entire data collection
process from end to end. Simply send an API call with
the URL you’d like to gather, and leave the heavy
lifting to us.


Powered by
Nimble AI Browser

  • Access any Public URL with AI Fingerprinting
  • Render data sources accurately with Javascript Execution
  • Overcome georestrictions with Modern Proxies by Nimble IP

How Nimble’s Web API Works

1. Write a request

Set your data source, parsing settings,
and delivery method.

2. Send it to Nimble APIs

Nimble APIs receives the request and handles
everything else from collection to delivery.

3. Receive your data

Sit back and watch as structured
web data flows into your storage.

The API You Need to Succeed at Scale

Scale Infinitely with Batch

Scale up your data collection without
compromising on performance or flexibility with
the Web API’s batch processing endpoint.

  • Scrape up to 1,000 URLs in a single batch.
  • Customize geolocation, parsing, and other parameters per URL.
  • Asynchronous data delivery to your cloud storage.

Bypass Easily With
Modern Proxies

Overcome geo-restrictions and achieve
exceptional data quality with modern residential
proxies from around the world.

  • Access real residential devices with premium reputations
  • Geotarget proxies from around the world with high-precision
  • Increase success and cut costs with our IP Optimization Engine

Powering cross-industry business
applications with our AI Scraping API


Automated Parsing with Nimble Skills

Powered by Nimble Skills

Nimble uses “Skills”, or contextual data profiles, to optimize LLM processing for web scraping.
With unique contextual data for E-commerce, SERP, Travel, and more, Nimble’s parsing skills provide high accuracy, reliability, and performance.

Responsive to changes

Nimble’s parsing skills harness the capabilities of LLM technology to respond automatically to changes in the structure of data sources, and ensures consistent and reliable data delivery.

Accurate at any Scale

As your needs grow, Nimble’s infrastructure grows with you. Our parsing skills were designed to scale up and down flexible to accomodate any workload without compromising on speed or accuracy.

Create an account and build with Nimble

Hear from our customers

"Real-time, accurate data is vital for the success of our analysis, and Nimble is the first tech partner we've worked with that has achieved this over time".

Asaf Shamly

CEO Browsi
“Using Nimble supercharged our data-gathering capabilities, delivering clean, real-time web data we could immediately put to work".

Tom Zakheym

VP Talent Acquisition The Vets
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Compliance by Design

Nimble is at the forefront of compliant and ethical web data collection.
Our approach is rooted in building compliant products by design, and using AI to ensure comprehensive Governance & Trust.

We have a firm commitment to gather only publicly accessible data and ensuring compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations. This principle is underpinned by a rigorous Know Your Customer process and a clear Acceptable Use Policy, reflecting our dedication to transparency and ethical data practices.

Web API Pricing

Monthly Annually10% discount 10% discount

Web API Pricing

Pay As You Go
No Commitment
No Commitment
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$3/CPM $3/CPM
150 150 Credits
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$2.6/GB $2.8/GB
600 600 Credits
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$2.4/CPM $2.1/CPM
3000 3000 Credits
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$1.7/CPM $1.4/CPM

For Enterprise

Deploy AI & BI data products faster than ever with tailored, fully-managed data pipelines.

Contact Us
  • Unparalleled data accuracy
  • Enterprise-ready infrastructure
  • Complete Governance & Trust
  • Compliance by Design
  • Integrates with any tech stack
  • Tailored data schemas
  • Premium SLA
  • Dedicated Account Manager
Use credits with any Nimble product of your choice.

Everything you need to know about Nimble's Web API

Nimble’s Web API is our end-to-end platform solution for web scraping any public data.

While other Nimble APIs – such as E-commerce, SERP, and Maps – have similar features, they are uniquely optimized for a specific set of websites (such as Amazon, Bing, and Google Maps).

Nimble’s Web API, on the other hand, is designed to accept any public URL. Additionally, the Web API includes advanced features such as Page Interactions and Parsing Templates designed to ease the process of working with a diverse array of websites that are not always available with other APIs.

Nimble’s Web API harnesses the capabilities of Nimble IP’s residential proxies and Nimble Browser’s unlocking technology to seamlessly access any public URL while maintaining highly accurate data.

From there, it uses Nimble Skills to parse HTML and extract key data points. Next, the parsed data and raw HTML are delivered in accordance with the type of request the user-initiated.

For more information, we recommend reading the Nimble Web API Documentation.

The Web API was designed for versatility, and can help with any kind of data including:

  • Flight and Travel
  • Finance and Alternative data
  • Real Estate
  • Social Media
  • and more.

Any public website! The Web API accepts URLs, so if it can be accessed through the public web, it can be collected with our Web API.

Additionally, we’ve built comprehensive compliance mechanisms into the Web API, ensuring you’ll never unintentionally breach GDPR or CCPA regulations.

The Web API returns data in real-time, and always collects fresh data without caching.

Having said that, the request time depends heavily on the load time of the target URL, as well as the execution time of user defined Page Interactions amongst other factors.

Very accurate. The Web API always collects fresh data without caching, uses premium residential proxies on every request, and harnesses Nimble Browser’s AI fingerprinting engine for highly-accurate browser fingerprinting.

Yes! The Web API uses Nimble IP residential proxies located around the world. For more information on how to geotarget API requests, see the Web API Documentation.

No, we never charge clients for failed requests.

Get in touch with our experts for a AI data gathering solution made for your business