
Capture fresh and rich business data

Discover businesses in any geographic area, collect in-depth public data about each one, and gather user-generated reviews with one simple API.
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Product Feature
Discover businesses

Search and discover businesses by keyword, coordinates, zip code, and more.

Product Feature
Gather reviews

Get full, detailed review data including rating, date, user details, and more.

Product Feature
Complete Business Data

Collect comprehensive data directly from businesses’ public map listings.

Product Feature
Real-time at any scale

Nimble’s Maps API automatically scales up and down to any workload.

Harness the data from map engines

Nimble’s Maps API uses public map engines such as
Google Maps to access vast quantities of business
data including:


Access Complete & Reliable
Business Data

Business <br />Name & title
Name & title
Address and <br />coordinates
Address and
Phone, Email, <br />and URL
Phone, Email,
and URL
Hours of <br />operation
Hours of
Peak business<br />hours
Peak business
Upcoming <br />events
Industry-specific <br />data
See it in action
See it in action

How to Discover & Enrich Business Data
with the Maps API


Drill-down into a particular search result by following the nimble_place_link – a preformed link attached to each search result that instantly returns comprehensive data about that particular business.


Gather detailed review data for any business by using the nimble_reviews_link – available both from the search result and from a business drill-down result. Collect review rating, date, text, user details, and even paginate through all available reviews effortlessly.

Scale & Deliver Fresh Local Data

Robust scalability with
batch processing

Start collecting business data in bulk effortlessly
and let our API automate:

  • Business discovery across up to 1,000 zip codes in a single batch
  • Collect dozens of reviews on hundreds of businesses in minutes
  • Get detailed data on multiple business types at once

Nimble’s Batch Processing saves time and enables new applications →

Direct delivery to
your S3/GCS

Nimble’s Maps API empowers you to move faster
by providing:

  • Flexible delivery to S3/GCS buckets, push/pull, and real-time
  • Structured JSON and HTML data delivery options
  • Reliable fallbacks ensure your data is always safe

Build custom models with rich
firmographic data

Consumer sentiment analysis

  • Understand the latest trends in your industry
  • Utilize real-time data for the freshest insights
  • Compare consumer sentiment across geographic regions

Firmographic intelligence

  • Learn about leading businesses by geographic area
  • Gauge foot traffic and business volume
  • Collect unique data including amenities, 
offerings, accessible, and more.

Contact Data for Businesses

  • Boost lead generation and collect contact data 
for businesses in any areas
  • Automate detailed market research for competitive insights across regions.
  • Automatically extract and organize global business contact information.

Get Started Fast with
Painless Integration

1. Write a request

Set your data source, parsing settings,
and delivery method.

2. Send it to Nimble APIs

Nimble APIs receives the request and handles
everything else from collection to delivery.

3. Receive your data

Sit back and watch as structured
web data flows into your storage.

Expand your business with fresh business data.

Hear from our customers

"Real-time, accurate data is vital for the success of our analysis, and Nimble is the first tech partner we've worked with that has achieved this over time."

Asaf Shamly

CEO Browsi
“Nimble got us through anti bot measures and enabled our SERP scraping to scale up dramatically.”

Tom Zakheym

VP Talent Acquisition The Vets
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Compliance by Design

Nimble is at the forefront of compliant and ethical web data collection.
Our approach is rooted in building compliant products by design, and using AI to ensure comprehensive Governance & Trust.

We have a firm commitment to gather only publicly accessible data and ensuring compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations. This principle is underpinned by a rigorous Know Your Customer process and a clear Acceptable Use Policy, reflecting our dedication to transparency and ethical data practices.

Maps API Pricing

Monthly Annually10% discount 10% discount

Maps API Pricing

Pay As You Go
No Commitment
No Commitment
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$3/CPM $3/CPM
150 150 Credits
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$2.6/GB $2.8/GB
600 600 Credits
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$2.4/CPM $2.1/CPM
3000 3000 Credits
Residential &
Unlocker Proxy
$1.7/CPM $1.4/CPM

For Enterprise

Deploy AI & BI data products faster than ever with tailored, fully-managed data pipelines.

Contact Us
  • Unparalleled data accuracy
  • Enterprise-ready infrastructure
  • Complete Governance & Trust
  • Compliance by Design
  • Integrates with any tech stack
  • Tailored data schemas
  • Premium SLA
  • Dedicated Account Manager
Use credits with any Nimble product of your choice.

Learn more about Nimble's Maps API

Nimble’s Maps API collects public data in real-time from sources such as Google Maps. Under the hood, the Maps API harnesses the unlocking and scalability of Nimble browser in conjunction with modern residential proxies from Nimble IP to ensure smooth maps data collection in real time.

Yes! Every request to the Maps API returns fresh data directly from public maps engines.

Yes. Because the Maps API uses residential proxies from Nimble IP, geotargeting by country is supported.

The Maps API can provide many kinds of business data, including:

  • Business names and locations
  • Contact information
  • Amenities
  • Upcoming events
  • Offerings

and more!

Yes! The Maps API is fully documented as part of our Nimble Docs here. Furthermore, we provide comprehensive technical support and personalised onboarding according to your pricing plan.

No! Only successful requests count towards your quota.

Get in touch with our experts for a web data gathering solution made for your business