October 9, 2023

How to Bypass IP Bans: The Ultimate Guide for Unrestricted Access in 2024

Want to know how to bypass IP bans preventing you from surfing the web, scraping data, or doing other online activities? Here’s the fix.

min read

Landon Iannamico

How to Bypass IP Bans: The Ultimate Guide for Unrestricted Access in 2024

Want to know how to bypass IP bans preventing you from surfing the web, scraping data, or doing other online activities? Here’s the fix.

IP bans are one of the most frustrating experiences you can have online. Whether you’re surfing the web for personal reasons, web scraping for essential business data, or using bots to automate things like social account management or ticket purchasing, an IP ban can happen at the drop of a hat and grind your browsing session to a halt, often with no explanation.

So, how do you get around IP bans? In this article, we’ll explain what an IP ban is, why IP bans occur, and various methods to bypass IP bans so you can maintain uninterrupted access to the online services you need.

What Is an IP Ban?

An IP ban or IP block is a security measure taken by websites and online platforms to block or limit access to users who violate their rules. Businesses that rely on web scraping for data collection are frequently at the receiving end of IP bans. This can be very frustrating because IP bans interrupt scraping, resulting in incomplete or inaccurate data analyses.

How Do IP Bans Work?

IP bans work by recognizing the IP address from which your web traffic is coming and denying that IP address entry to a website. If your IP has been banned and you try to gain access to a website, you typically see errors like “403 Forbidden”, or your request simply times out.

What Is an IP Address?

If you’re unfamiliar with IP addresses, an IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique numerical identifier assigned to each device that connects to the Internet or a local network. IP addresses are allocated to your devices by your ISP (internet service provider) and are used to direct your internet traffic to the intended location. In simple terms, you can think of an IP address as the digital equivalent of a mailing address.

IP Addresses Vs. Mac Addresses

It’s important to note that IP addresses aren’t the same as MAC addresses. A MAC address is a hardware-oriented address assigned to your physical device. These are permanent and are more difficult for third parties to uncover. An IP address is software-based, mutable, can be seen by third parties, and is assigned to the network connection of your computer rather than your literal computer.

What Triggers an IP Ban?

IP bans happen when you trigger network restrictions based on the firewall rules of the website you’re trying to access. In general, IP bans happen due to three categories of behavior.

Bot-Like Behavior

  • Excessive, High-Frequency Requests: Sending too many requests to a website in a short period, often due to web scraping or automated tools, can trigger an IP ban.
  • Automated Form Submissions: Using bots to fill out and submit forms repeatedly, such as for registrations or surveys, is often flagged as bot-like activity.
  • Excessive/Aggressive Content Scraping: Continuously extracting large amounts of data from a website using web scraping tools can trigger bans designed to protect site content.
  • Bypassing a Website’s Scraping Rules: Websites often list what content crawlers can and can’t scrape in their robots.txt file. Trying to bypass these rules and scrape non-scrapable content can trigger an IP block.
  • Mass Account Creation: Automating the creation of multiple accounts on platforms like social media or forums is often detected as bot activity, leading to bans.
  • Rapid Content Consumption: Consuming large amounts of content (e.g., videos, articles) in a manner that suggests automated behavior rather than human interaction can trigger anti-bot measures.

Suspicious Behavior

  • Multiple Failed Login Attempts: Repeated unsuccessful attempts to log into an account can be seen as a potential hacking attempt, resulting in an IP ban.
  • Unusual Access Patterns: Accessing a website from different locations or devices in quick succession can raise red flags, as it may indicate compromised credentials or unauthorized access.
  • Accessing Restricted Areas: Attempting to access administrative or restricted areas of a website without proper authorization can be seen as malicious activity.
  • Spamming: Sending unsolicited or bulk messages, whether through email, social media, or forums, can result in an IP ban to prevent abuse.
  • DDoS Attacks: Participating in or being part of a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack can result in an IP ban to mitigate the attack’s impact.

Platform-Specific Unacceptable Behavior

  • Cheating in Online Games: Using cheats, hacks, or mods that give unfair advantages in online games can result in an IP ban as part of anti-cheat measures.
  • Trying to Access Geo-blocked Content: Attempting to access geo-restricted content from the wrong geolocation often results in an automatic block. Getting caught attempting to bypass geo-blocking with VPNs or proxies may also result in a permanent IP ban.
  • Engaging in Illegal Activities: Participating in illegal activities such as distributing pirated content, engaging in cybercrime, or sharing prohibited materials can lead to a permanent IP ban.
  • Posting Prohibited Content: Posting content with profanity, nudity, violence, references to crime or illegal activities, or other typically prohibited subjects may result in an IP block from platforms invested in protecting their community.
  • Other Violation of Terms of Service: Any other actions that violate the platform’s terms of service, such as harassment or using the platform for unintended purposes, may result in an IP ban.

The Consequences of IP Bans

Network restrictions like IP bans aren’t just a tiny, temporary hiccup—they have a domino effect on your entire online experience. Here’s how they impact different use cases.

General Browsing

Ordinary internet users who get restricted by IP bans may be unable to check or update their favorite social media platforms, read important news articles, or participate in online communities. This can seriously disrupt daily online activities or limit access to critical information or services needed for work or your personal life.

Web Scraping

For web scrapers, an IP ban can halt data collection and disrupt automated processes, leading to delays or errors in conducting analytics, market research, or competitive analysis. For businesses relying on timely and accurate data, this can translate to financial losses or missed opportunities.


IP bans can make gamers lose their account, game progress, or digital purchases associated with their account. In competitive and multi-player games, IP bans can exclude you from tournaments, leaderboards, and community features, disrupting your ability to socialize and compete with other players. This can be particularly frustrating for those involved in e-sports, where consistent access is crucial for practice and competition.

How to Confirm Your IP Has Been Banned

Websites don’t usually tell you outright when they’ve issued an IP ban against you. If you suspect your IP address has been banned, there are several diagnostic tools and methods to confirm your suspicions.

Check Access from Another Network

The simplest way to check an IP ban is to try to access the website from a different IP address. You can do this by connecting through a different Wi-Fi network, using mobile data, or using an anonymous web proxy. If the website loads, you’ve likely been IP-banned on your original network.

Use Online Checker Tools

Websites like Down For Everyone Or Just Me can help determine if a website is down for everyone due to a network outage or if the issue is specific to your IP address. Keep in mind that a website being down for you doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been banned—it could just mean there’s a temporary issue with your ISP network or your personal firewall/security system.

Ping the Website

Open your command prompt and ping the website in question. If it returns a 403 Forbidden or similar error, it’s a strong indicator of an IP ban.

Inspect Browser Console

Open the browser console (F12 in most browsers) and look for network errors. A 403 error often indicates an IP ban.

Check for CAPTCHAs or Warning Pages

Some websites display a CAPTCHA or warning page if they detect suspicious activity. This is typically used as an anti-bot or anti-scraping measure. Completing the CAPTCHA usually lifts the ban, but not always.

Consult Web Scraping Logs

If you’re involved in web scraping, your logs may show repeated failures or timeouts when trying to access a particular site. This is often a sign that your IP has been banned.

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How to Bypass an IP Ban: The Most Effective Methods

Once you’ve confirmed your IP address has been banned, you have several options to regain access.

VPNs: The Popular Solution

Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, provide a reliable way to bypass IP bans by masking your IP address and web traffic via encryption, making it unreadable to websites and other third parties. This makes it difficult for websites to recognize which IP address your traffic is coming from, which makes IP bans unenforceable. VPNs are very popular with both normal internet users and large companies who want to access geo-restricted content and bypass other network restrictions.

VPNs offer robust security protocols, including end-to-end encryption, making it difficult for websites to detect your true location or identity. There are also many different types of VPNs to choose from, like peer-to-peer ones that route your traffic through another user’s network and VPNs that use proxies. However, VPNs often have a time-consuming setup and reduce connection speeds, making them inefficient for high-volume tasks like web scraping. VPNs also get implemented across your entire network and can’t be toggled only to activate when trying to access a website you’ve been blocked from.

Web Proxies: The Scalable, Long-term Solution

Proxy servers offer a swift and reliable solution to IP bans that can scale along with your needs. Web proxies bypass IP bans by routing your web traffic through a different IP address. There are several types of proxy services to choose from, but the most effective for bypassing IP bans is rotating residential proxies. These types of proxies use real IP addresses from residential devices across the globe, which make your traffic look human and unsuspicious. They also rotate your IP address without interrupting your browsing session, which prevents your activity from being tracked.

Proxies are quick to set up, scalable, integrate easily into other scraping infrastructure, and offer geotargeting to get around geo-blocking. They are especially useful for web scraping but are also effective for attaining more anonymity online in personal settings. The main downsides to using proxy services are that they may involve regular maintenance, aren’t always reliable, and may not be as secure as a VPN—especially if you use cheaper options like datacenter proxies.

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Tor Browser: The Anonymous Approach

The Tor Browser is a specialized privacy-oriented web browser designed to route your web traffic through three different layers of random nodes. This encrypts your traffic, completely masks your IP address, and provides anti-fingerprinting measures, ensuring a high level of anonymity online. Because of its high privacy, Tor completely prevents tracking and is exceptionally effective against sophisticated blocking systems that use other identifying features besides your IP address. It’s also easy to set up with a quick download.

However, this high anonymity comes at the cost of speed. The multiple layers of routing can significantly slow down your browsing experience. Additionally, some websites block Tor users due to the network’s association with the dark web and illicit activities. So, even if Tor succeeds in hiding your IP address, websites may block you anyway because they’ve automatically blacklisted unidentifiable traffic or traffic from Tor’s IP network.  

Manual IP Address Changing: The DIY Method

For those with technical expertise, manually executing an IP address change offers another method to bypass IP bans. This process involves either accessing your router settings to request a new IP address or disconnecting and reconnecting your internet to prompt an IP change.

Steps to Change Your IP Manually:

  1. Navigate to your router’s admin page via a web browser. In most cases, just entering https://19216811.uno/ or from any browser does the trick. Follow the instructions on the site to connect to your internet provider, then enter the username and password found on your router.
  2. Find the section dedicated to IP settings or DHCP settings.
  3. Use the interface to request a new IP address or release the current one.
  4. Save changes and reboot the router if necessary.

This method doesn’t require extra cost or setup, and is fairly simple if you have the technical expertise to do it. It is also one of the most effective methods on this list against one-time IP bans because it swaps your IP rather than hiding it and doesn’t anonymize your traffic, ensuring anti-bot software isn’t triggered. This makes it an excellent choice if you want to get around an IP ban and aren’t planning to partake in activity that may trigger a ban again.

However, this method falls short in several crucial areas. Because it is a manual process, it is highly inefficient for web scraping or other high-volume applications. If you’re planning to send lots of traffic to many different websites and are likely to trigger an IP ban again, manually changing your IP address every time you get banned can be extremely time-consuming and cumbersome. This method also doesn’t offer any extra privacy or security features, which makes it ineffective for websites with advanced blocking technology that identify you, like browser fingerprinting.

Still Banned? Troubleshooting Tips

If you still cannot bypass an IP ban after following these recommended solutions, here are some additional troubleshooting steps to take.

  • Review Logs and Error Messages: Check any logs or error messages that appeared while you tried different bypassing methods to understand why a method failed. This can provide clues for alternative solutions.
  • Consult Technical Support: If you’re using a VPN or a proxy service, reach out to customer support for tailored advice.
  • Try a Different Method: If one approach fails, it’s advisable to try another. For instance, if a proxy doesn’t work, consider switching to a VPN or vice versa.

Risks Involved in Bypassing an IP Ban

Bypassing an IP ban isn’t without its risks. Each method listed above has its own set of risks and challenges, and it’s up to you to be informed about these risks. Here are some you should be aware of:

  • Legal Consequences: Bypassing an IP ban in regions with strict internet censorship could lead to severe legal consequences. Some jurisdictions may have laws against circumventing access controls like IP bans.
  • Violation of Terms of Service: Bypassing an IP ban could lead to permanent exclusion from a website or service.
  • Security Risks: While methods like proxies and VPNs generally enhance security, poor-quality services can expose you to vulnerabilities.
  • Data Inaccuracy: For businesses involved in web scraping, bypassing IP bans may lead to incomplete or skewed data, affecting the quality of insights. This is rare though, especially if you use high-quality proxy services.


Navigating the labyrinth of IP bans can be daunting, but as we’ve covered here, there are several approaches you can take to regain access. Whether you opt for residential proxies, VPNs, or any of the other methods, the key is understanding their utility and associated risks.

For those specifically interested in avoiding and bypassing IP bans for web scraping, Nimble offers an AI-powered advanced scraping API with built-in unblocking technology and state-of-the-art rotating residential proxies that can help you scrape data efficiently and without interruption.

Ready to Bypass IP Bans–Or Avoid Them Altogether? Speak With Us About Our Proxies


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